Steyning, Wiston, Ashurst and Bramber have joined forces to produce a Neighbourhood Plan.

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Steyning, Wiston, Ashurst, Bramber Neighbourhood Plan

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Ashurst Parish Council posted on 27 October 2014 11:02

Join us on 1st November to see if you can help with the Neighbourhood Plan

Steyning Parish Council posted on 27 October 2014 11:02

Public Open Day - Saturday 1st November, Steyning Centre, 10 - 12.30. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday. posted on 27 October 2014 11:03

Welcome to our new project. We look forward to hearing your opinions.

rowena posted on 27 October 2014 11:03

This is a great website, and we can use it for our Neighbourhood Plan progress

Steyning Parish Council posted on 5 January 2015 10:12

All households within the parishes of Steyning, Wiston, Ashurst and Bramber will shortly be receiving a copy of a public survey. Please 'Read more' on the Neighbourhood Plan page above or contact any of the Parish Clerks for further information.

Steyning Parish Council posted on 23 January 2015 09:38

Neighbourhood Plan Drop-in Session Saturday 24th January 10.00 - 12.00 If you would like help with the questionnaire or have any questions, please do attend the Drop-in Session. The Steering Group are grateful to all those who have completed questionnaires and would ask you to encourage any neighbours who have yet to complete and return their forms.

Steyning Parish Council posted on 10 February 2015 12:10

Thank you to all the residents who took the time to complete the public consultation questionnaire. The Steering Group are delighted with a response rate of over 24%! Results will now be analysed and will inform the Stage One report that forms the foundation of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Steyning Parish Council posted on 10 February 2016 09:41

SWAB PUBLIC CONSULTATION EVENTS - thank you to all the residents who attended our very successful public consultation events - over 750!! Information on potential sites is new posted on our main website - please visit -