The Community Allotment

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The Community Allotment is on the Herstmonceux Allotment site at Greenways Farm, Stunts Green. We have tools and our plot is segregated into smaller beds so you can choose to do as much or as little as you can manage. You may eat what you grow and there is always advice available from other allotment holders. To find out more call Janet on 01323 833306

About the Community Allotment

Vitality Villages is renting one of the Herstmonceux Parish Allotments at Greenway Fruit Farm, Stunts Green as a community allotment. This plot is available for anyone who would like to join us and try your hand at growing vegetables, fruit, or flowers or just to come and have a chat and enjoy being outdoors in such a beautiful location.

There are small-boxed areas available to try out your growing skills or you can share the work and experience with others. In 2020 the plot produced strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, potatoes, peas, beans, and tomatoes despite the many changes in the weather.

If you are interested in visiting the plot, please contact me to arrange a socially distanced visit. Janet McInnes - 01323 833306

The Allotment Site rules may be downloaded here. Please read them as compliance is part of our agreement with the Parish Council and the Herstmonceux Allotment Association You can also download a location plan for the Community Allotment, Plot 1A.

Help improve your health at the allotment

Mindful Gardening Magazine published an article featuring our allotment and relating the health benefits of this activity. Click on the links below to read.

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