Men's Shed & Community Workshop

  • Info

Whilst the original Men's Shed concept remains we have designated the Wednesday morning session the Community Workshop which will be open to men and women. Membership of Vitality Villages is just £1.00 per year and this includes the Men's Shed. We do ask for a small donation for any wood or materials you use and for cups of tea which we supply.

What is a Men's Shed?

Men's Shed Workshop
Made to order!
Advice always on hand
Our own Repair Shop
Repairing storm damage, Castle gardens
Restoring original finish
Job done - Repaired storm damage Herstmonceux Castle gardens

Sheds with a few tools for hobbies and shielded from the weather have existed for years, but in the 1980’s the concept developed in Australia for men to get together in Men’s Sheds for mutual support, exchange skills and develop friendships. Today the UK has 400 Men’s Sheds.

Herstmonceux Men’s Shed is located in the Science & Technology Facility at Bader International Study Centre, Herstmonceux Castle. We have installed a range of power and hand tools, workbenches and equipment which members may use.

Members can work on their own projects, assist others by exchanging knowledge and skills or just have a cup of tea or coffee and relax. We have repaired items for local causes and have been fortunate to receive donations of tools and timber and the facility at Herstmonceux Castle.

We are open 10.00am until 4.30pm on Wednesdays but may extend this. Call in for a chat and if you like what we do you can be member for £1.00 per year, plus donations towards any materials we supply and the tea fund.

Previous skill or participation in a project is not necessary. Sometimes, perhaps at a difficult time in life or need for conversation following the pandemic lockdown, a cup of tea and a chat can make all the difference. If you want to start or even finish an existing project there is always someone here to give advice or help. You may have a skill or experience other members can also use.

For more information call Alan McInnes, 01323 833306 / 07946 604201 or email


Community Workshop Information

Ladies have also expressed interest in acquiring workshop and craft skills. We therefore plan to invite women and men to the morning session as a Community Workshop, leaving the afternoon for the traditional Men’s Shed.

Both sessions have supervisors and assistance on hand for tool handling. We have an area away from the power tools with tables and chairs for more intricate or craft based work.

Unfortunately the Coronovirus Rules limit us to 6 attendees per session so rather than turn new members away at the door we have delayed this new facility until we can increase numbers in the workshop.

However, if you wish to attend please telephone Alan on 01323 833306 for more information and log your interest and we can keep you aware of developments as Covid restrictions ease, or check the News section of this site for latest information.

Our supporters

Vitality Villages Men's Shed and Community Workshop extends thanks to the following for facilities, financial and practical support of this community project.

Site facilities: Herstmonceux Castle & Bader International Study Centre. Grants: Herstmonceux Parish Council, Wartling Parish Council, Wealden District Council. Tools and equipment: Businesses and community members of Herstmonceux and Hailsham for gifts of surplus tools.

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